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Ultimate Support Systems, Inc. - Ultimate Isolators®
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Ultimate Isolator Pad for Studio Monitor

Model: Ultimate Isolators®

  • Enhance Your Mix Clarity and Bass Response
  • Sweeten Your Sweet Spot
  • Mix and Record with Confidence
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Ultimate Isolator® Pad for Studio Monitor. When it comes to getting the right sound, everyone knows that having the right reference monitors for your space is one of the most critical elements to getting the sound the way you hear it in your head. However, no matter how much you invest in your monitors, mixing desks and outboard gear; if you aren’t decoupling your monitors, you still aren’t getting an accurate representation of your low frequency playback. Isolating your monitors from their environment is the only way to avoid exaggerated bass frequencies resonating through the surface of your desk and all the other items in your studio.
  • Enhance Your Mix Clarity and Bass Response
  • Sweeten Your Sweet Spot
  • Mix and Record with Confidence
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